Nature Buds: Art in Nature by Rick Hollis

painting w mud and a honeysuckle pipe to blow colors around
I have long been a fan of the Nature Buds programs, offered by the Kent Park Naturalists for preschoolers, since I was first at the CEC and saw all the little kids running ahead of their parents to get to CEC and play with Nature.
Since my grandson was in town, I finished the birdwalk, earlier that I often do to, so I could attend this program with my family. This week’s event consisted of doing very nature related projects, tracing over the textures of natural items, leaves, cones, snake skins, etc. Making art by arranging sticks and stones, and acorns, etc into the shape of animals, Painting with mud and colored ice. Tie-dying a cloth. Listening to Naturalist Frances Owen read a story book.
And we finished by walking around the wetland path [about a half mile] with a color strip in our hand, searching for colors in nature and whatever else we found.

Dragonfly, near CEC

painting w mud and a honey suckle pipe to blow colors around

Designs with natural items
