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The Tree at Kent Park
on my way in 7/17/19

I am sure I have seen this tree for years.  It is the W of the entrance to the CEC at FW Kent Park.   But one day a year or two ago, I really saw it and realized how much I like this tree.  It has real character and you can see most of it.

There are other trees that I like just as much.  There is a dead tree near the entrance to Chia Fen Preserve.  And awesome tree. 

The sights these trees must have seen during their time on earth.

There have been numerous times that I have tried to photograph these trees.  All the photos where OK, but none ever captured the trees’ real character.
The photo above and this photo are two attempts from the bird walk on 7/17/19. 

The Tree at Kent Park
on my way out. 7/17/19

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